Monday, September 8, 2008

Blogging Project Post #1

Here's your first opportunity to earn you BP points. To post, just click on the title of this entry and then click the "Post a comment" link below it.

I'd like your comments/feedback about our first test (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer). What did you like/dislike? Was it too long? Short? Easy? Difficult? What (besides not having tests) could be done to improve it? Let me know in a blog.


Anonymous said...

The test was somewhat hard. The vocabulary was easy, you just had to know them. But the most difficult thing was the last part of the test, where you had to answer the questions. It took up alot of time, which was a problem for me. The test was long but for the most part, pretty easy.

Troy Brodie said...

I think the test was not too hard and not too easy. If you paid attention in class when we were told what to review then it shouldn't have been too difficult. I agree with Tyler about the last part of the test. It took up a lot of time and it made me unsure about my answers.

Elliott Hyde said...

The test was not to hard the main thing about this test was knowing the vocab. The rest of this test you just had to read the book to understand the charicters and places. One thing that could be better would be to have less writing out the answer questions. Over all I had no problem with the test.

Andrew Hynes said...

I thought the test was somewhat hard. Some of the essay questions that were given to answer I forgot what the answers were and was drawling a blank. Although paying attention in class did help a lot with refreshing my memory with the decribing the places and people.

Jesse Gregory said...

I thought that the test was easy, but long, I thought matching the characters was the easiest. I think that I also did good on the short answers. If you paid attention to when we talked about the characters it should have been easy.

Ritchie Pevo said...

I thought the test was fairly simple if you read and comprehended the summer reading. If everyone was as prepared as they were told to be, they should have finished the test within the time limit. However, I was well prepared and finished about a minute before time was up, so the test was a bit lengthy with the short answers. Overall, I thought it was a good and somewhat simple testing experience.

KarlGreen said...

The test was at a medium level of hardness. The real only problem was that the short essays ate away at the time so it was hard to get done by the end of class. The vocab to me was one of the easier parts. also with what jesse said with out a doubt the characters matching part was down right just easy.

Michael Domenici said...

I thought that the test was easy. The vocab was easy if you did the vocab homework. The only thing that was somewhat challenging was the short answers, other than that it was a pretty easy test.

JP Kuhlman said...

The test on "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" i would consider to be a exceptionally well balanced test. I believed the test was well prepared for the multiple choice questions. However the last essay questions i considered to be fairly challenging. If i could change anything about the test it would be those questions. I would have changed the questions to be less complicated and more straight forward.

viktor said...
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viktor said...

I though the test on "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was pretty easy since you told us every thing we needed to know on it word for word. Except on the last essay I kind of forgot that one. All though it was little long and took some time, but I kind of breeze right though it. Some thing I would add on to it would be some multiple choices question. But overall it was set up very good and hopefully most of the tests this year will be set up like that.

Eric Matthews Jr said...

I thought the test wasn't that bad. It was sort of tough. I had no problem with the matching part. I could of studied more with the vocab, but i still think i did ok on that part. The only thing that i had trouble with, was the short answer part. It wasn't that hard explaining it, but it was just too long. There were too many short answer questions and i think that next time, you should put less short answer questions on the test. In overall, it was pretty good. I feel good about it.

msj10SCelestina said...

The test was good except for the definitions of the vocabulary. Some of the vocabulary had different definitions with the same meaning and that was difficult. Otherwise I thought it was a good first test. I liked that it was not ridiculously descriptive.

AnthonyViennas said...

I thought the test was not very difficult, if you read the book then you should have had no problems. Overall I thought the book itself was an easy read, but this has been my third time reading the book, so it wasn't as enjoyable as the firs time.

Bennett Wolfe said...

I thought the test was hard and easy. The vocabulary and the multiple choice were easy and I liked that. When it got down to the essay questions they were somewhat hard because you had to think about all the things that happened in the book to write down an answer. I liked this test.
~ MSJLAX6969

David Dutrow said...

Thanks for the great comments so far, guys. I'll take all this into consideration as we prep for test #2. Keep up the good blogging.

Michael Leviski said...

I didnt think the test was that hard. It might have been hard for people if they didn't read the book, but if you did then it shouldn't have been that hard. The vocab was pretty easy as well, if you studied it then you got it right basically. The last part was alittle challenging because it made you think hard, but all in all I thought it was pretty fair and easy.

Christian Henry said...

If you did all yor homework and reviewed the vocabulary words, you passed the test already. The only problem was that the essay questions in the back took up a lot of time and you can expect a few people to stay after more if they aren't shortened. However they are a great source of points and can save your grade. Either way its a bitter sweet deal.

mvp said...

I thought the Tom sawyer test was hard because I didn't do well in the vocabulary because im not good at memorizing vocab words and remembering them. The free respose was pretty easy, cause i felt more comfortable about them. I knew exactly how to answer them.
overall though the test was fairly hard and i felt i could have done better if i studied the vocab more. I think if I read over the vocab over and over and drill it in my head I think I can do better on the next test. Its just tests aren't my thing, but i will do much better on the next one hopefully.

Sonic teh Hedgeblog said...

I thought that the test was actually easy. Since we did so much with all of the information and we reviewed almost everything on it I thought that the test was easy and had a pretty good length. I thought that the essay quesions were even easy because you allowed us to discuss most of it in class.
Taylor Bowman

michaelrovnan said...

The test wasn’t too hard of a test. The vocabulary was very easy, the matching part of the test was easy if you read through the questions, but the difficult part of the test was the writing part of the test for you had to remember certain quote or part in the story that supported your answer also it was long with too may questions.

rrobinson10 said...

Tom sawyer was a good book. It wasnt really hard to read, but thinking about what mark twain was actually trying to say was hard. Mark twain had a lot of modern day problems as well as different other literary works. I think a good way to see if someone read is to have them have a verbal test, of telling you what the story was about.

Willis410 said...

I thin kthat test was not that difficult. The easiest part of the test was the vocabulary. All you really need to do to prepare for the test is just study.

Andrew Lewis said...

The test was easy if u studied vocab, and the study guide that we had to complete over summer. The questions did make the test a little bit too long.

Gangler Bangler said...

I thought the test was well organized. The questions weren't too long or too short. They required a good amount of thought and would show whether or not we actually knew stuff about the book.

xWBR IIIx said...

i think that the test was a little diffcult for a first test. Neither make it easier or ,let us use our books and notes. Also it could have been alot shorter

jamie said...

i think the test was rather easy and i did quite well on it. All the information on the test was discussed in class so there were no suprizes. The matching the charecters part was easy because if you read the book it was a give away but if you didn't you wold struggle.

Joe Winter said...

The test was failry challenging. I did not have a particular problem with the vocabulary, but the essay was what made the test hard. The questions that we had to turn in before hand was very much a shining light on what the test was about.

Zack Jewby said...

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was easy at sometimes and challenging at others. The test were pretty tough, expecially the vocabulary. I do not think that the book was that long, but I am not the best reader so that is why it took me longer than most people. But it was not a bad book I did not mind reading it ay all to be honest.

ajox10 said...

The test to me was kind of hard. the vocabulary was easy, the main hard part of the test was the end of the test. the end to me made me rush a little just because the end took a bit of time and for me is usually not good because i take a longer time for tests. The test on the most part was a little hard not to bad mostly because it was the first we have ever had from you so we didn't know what to expect.

Nick Feurer said...

The test was to long for me. I didn't have enough time to finish it. the question were not hard but there were to many sections. The vocab was pretty easy as well, if you studied it then you got it right.

Boss Blog said...

Recollecting back on this test and the other test we have had soo far I would say that it has been the easiest test so far. There wasn't a lot of questions that could stump you up. I think instead of a test you could let them pick there favorite character and write why they are their favorite character.

Steven Arnold

10Jbrown said...

I thought the test was easy i had a good grade on the test and I knew my characters, and locations in the story. I also did a good job on the vocab.

tydecrispino said...

I remember the test being very simple, I thought it was a fairly simple book to read. I think if you read the book, the test was a peice of cake, therefore if you didnt read, I could see if it was hard. But I enjoyed that book over others I have read, characters were interesting, and the plot was easy to follow. Therefore I wish the proceeding tests to be the same difficulty so I will be able to get good grades.

bmore10123 said...

I thought that the test was overall easy. The matching was the easiest and the easy questions were the hardest to me. I dont know what you could have done to improve the test because I didnt read the book.

kfrance said...

Yes I can definately think back that far. The vocabulary was totally riduculous. But I will ay that Mr. Dutrow did gives us some good things to look over and study. I was actually doing some type of studying the night before, instead of reading the book over and over again; and looking on Sparknotes, which isn't that helpful if you dont have any money. ????

Bobblogs said...

If you got the book this test was simple. All you needed to have was a good grasp on what the book was about and some specific parts that were important to the book. If you payed attention in class this test was easy.

Fgoodwin said...

The test to me was easy because when you actully read the book you get the details but some people didnt read it at all or very vagily. But to the overall make up of the test it was jsut fine.

10jenglehart said...

The test was hard i thought but the easiest part was the vocab. Vocabs got to be the easiest thing to memorize. I agree with Tyler, the test was long and I am a poor test taker which hurts me alot because i cant finish it. So i wind up putting random answers down. Less essays please. Cant stand to write alot with short time.