Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blogging Project Post # 14

After reading the book of Frederick Douglass, what did you think of the book overall? For example: Did you enjoy the book, was it easy to follow along in the story, was it suspenseful? Or if you did not enjoy the book, please give your reasons why.


msj10SCelestina said...

I think Frederick Douglass is one of the best writers. He is very straight forward. He gets to the point and he knows what he wants to emphasize. The book is very well written and easy to understand. The stories inside the story convey a lot of emotion. Those stories tell the read how bad slavery really was.

Joe Winter said...

Frederick Douglass was a very exceptional writer, especially for an African American back in that time. It was very easy to get into the drama that Frederick Douglass had going on in his life.

Bennett Wolfe said...

I enjoyed Frederick Douglass because I wanted to know what happened to him in his life of slavery and how he escaped it. I would have liked if Frederick had elaborated more and slowed down his story but I overall liked it.

Michael Domenici said...

I enjoyed Frederick Douglass becuase it had most of the qualities of being a great book. It was a very well written piece that was very informative about its time period.

Andrew Broedel said...

I enjoyed Frederick Douglass because of the quality of his writing. It was very well written. Some parts were more difficult to read due to the scene portrayed and its graphic content.

Unknown said...

I liked the book because it told us a first person perspective on slavery from a real life slave, and it was full of history. There was action in the book such as beatings and murders. It was a good book and some of it was suspenseful.

eric matthews10 said...

I enjoyed the book very much. As i say all the time, I'm not a big reader, but i like this book. I learned a lot about American history and history about my people and how we delt with slavery. This book kept me wondering what was going to happen. I really like it.

Ritchie Pevo said...

Although it would be easy to lie and say that I liked the novel like more than half of the people on here, I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't enjoy the narrative at all. Although Frederick's life was complex and devastating, I couldn't get involved in the storyline or the characters. I understand that it was obviously non-fiction, but it was also completely unoriginal and just like every other slave story out there.

JP Kuhlman said...

The book “Frederick Douglass” was a very enjoyable book. Over the years this one was much more fun to read than other books. This book also was well written because it used many perspectives. I like how he used his opinions in the book. They seemed to resemble a general slaves opinon.

ajox10 said...

I think that the book Frederick Douglass was one of the best books that we read. it put suspense on me by me wanting to know what happened tg him in slavery and how he was going to get out of slavery. i would have liked it more if it was easier to read but as an overall i liked the story.

Andrew Hynes said...

Frederick Douglass was an okay book. It was not the best that I have read but it was not the worst. It taught me a lot about how slavery was in different areas. Like city slaves were treated ten times differently than slaves in the south. Things like that were new things that were brought into my world after reading this book.

michaelrovnan said...

I don’t really like to read that much I do believe that it was a good book. I like it probably because I knew that that did happen to someone, it gave me a different perspective on early America and that it showed how people were treated differently in those times.

ElliottHyde said...

I enjoyed Frederick Douglas, and it was easy to follow. For me personally this book shows no matter what or where you come from you can do anything you put your mind to. Which is exactly what Frederick did towards the end of this story.

Troy Brodie said...

I think Frederick Douglass was a good book to read because he's a good writer. The story gave an interesting look from his perspective and the way he told his story made it seem very real.

willK said...

The book was pretty good. I enjoyed this book, because of many reasons. Throughout the story, there were many visuals that where placed according to the setting. I think this is a great way to allow somebody to understand what is going on while reading. This is a great way to keep your mind focused on the story. Yes, Douglass faced many hard times, he always managed to get through them. This is a way to conclude that he was a tough, strong hearted man.

viktor said...

The “Narrative of Frederick Douglass” had its movements such as some parts of the book you just wanted to keep reading to see what happens next. But some parts were very boring and you really did care and you kind of knew what was going to happen next. I usually like non-fiction book but I would have to say that the book was just like any other slaves life. It might have been just because it was a narrative; I don’t know I was just glad to be done with the book.

Bobblogs said...

Frederick DOuglass was a great writer considering how much education he had. He really made an impact on people

jeff247 said...

Frederick Douglass' narrative was one of the best books i have ever read. Each sentence kept my full attention and i never got bored reading it, unlike the effect alot of other books have on me. I also found that I learned alot from this book.

coreykieff said...

I thought that Frederick Douglass was a very good book that grabbed my attention a lot. The book was very easy to understand and had many exciting, yet gruesome stories. Frederick Douglass was one of the better books I have read, and it was good to know how it was like to be a slave.

xWBR IIIx said...

i think frederick douglas was one of the easier pieces we've read so far. i love reading storys about how african american made i back then. I also thought that this was one of the easier pieces to keep up with

jamie said...

After reading Frederick Douglass I have concluded that I think it was a great book, and a great opportunity to look at slavery from another perspective. I had already read this book once, in middle school, and reading it again made me pick up on even more aspects of the book. I liked the fact that we got to see another side of slavery. In this book, you get to see slavery through Frederick’s eyes, a slave. This is a much better way to hear it because he has been through it, and knows what it’s like. Also, this book shows another side of slavery than the average plantation slave story. He shows many different things, including how slaves interacted with people after being free, the fact that some slaves were treated with a small bit of respect, and slaves were not always dumb and could find ways to be educated.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I enjoyed the book, i taught that it was a good and easy read, Frederick Douglass expressed his feelings in a strong way.
Kevin Ross

KarlGreen said...

I actually enjoyed the book because it showed me alot of things that i didnt know happened back then to slaves and also it was a very easy story to follow cause it is very action packed.

bmore10123 said...

I did like the book that frederick douglass wrote because of the events in his life that he shared with us. None of us know what is it like to be a slve so reading this book helped me to understand why people were so outraged by slavery. He was very clear in his ideas when writing and was therefore easy to read