Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blogging Post #18

After finishing most of the dark romantic literature we have just been reading, compare it to the light romantics. Now obviously there are a lot of differences between these two types of literature. But tell me what you thought about it, which did you like better? Who was your favorite writer? If you could would you rather write a gothic or a light romantic story? Explain…


ElliottHyde said...

I deffinatly injoyed the light romaticisim better than the dark romanticism. Although I did enjoy Edgar Allen Poe's stories he wrote. If I had to write a particular type of story I would write a light romanticism.

AnthonyViennas said...

I agree with Elliott. I enjoyed the light romantics most, but I really enjoyed Edgar Allen Poe's dark romantics. If I had to write either style of literature, I would probably write a light romanticism as well.

Bennett Wolfe said...

Personally I like dark romantics rather than light romantics because I don’t really like reading about stuff that is all fine and dandy. I like there to be a dark element to a story. I like Edger Alan Poe and his story “The Raven” the best. If I were to write one of these two types of romantic writing I would write a dark romantic because I can write about bad things rather than good things what the light romantics is all about.

msj10SCelestina said...
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msj10SCelestina said...

Both of these types of literature are good. The dark romantics are more filled with death. The light romantics are more uplifting and upbeat. I like the light romantics because you feel better about yourself after you read an inspiring story. I like the “Raven” because it was filed with emotion.

Joe Winter said...

Both genres of short stories are interesting. The lighter side was easier to follow along with and did not have as much difficult sayings that I had to think about what they had meant to be able to read on in the story, and the dark side was full of misery and woe. I liked the light romantics more because they were more stuff that I would rather think about. My favorite writer was Poe because he was able to inspire me to stay interested in his stories even though I do not particularly like his theme and backgrounds. I would rather want to write light romantic stories because it is stuff that would be easier to come up with than just being in in the same sad place as some writers are in the gothic style of writing.

Michael Leviski said...

After reading both the dark and light romantics, I seemed to like the dark romantics better because they kind of kept you on the edge. The light romantics are much more positive and keep you feeling good about yourself, where as the dark romantics almost scare you and leave you on the edge. I think that my favorite was dark romantics because I liked how it kept you on edge, and my favorite novel of that was the Raven because I think it was very well written.

Willis410 said...

I would defninitely choose the dark romantics. The Dark romantics are obviously darker and darker stories are so much better then happy stories. I really don't like both but if I had to choose, it would be the dark romantics.

jeff247 said...

I would have to go with the light romantics. This would be my choice because the dark romantics seem depressing to me, and I wouldnt see any point in writing about something that would make people sad, when you could inspire people

Ritchie Pevo said...

I, personally, enjoyed the dark romantics much more than the light romantics. I find them far more interesting and intense. These are two things that I love in a story, and that is why I feel that I have grown so fond of the dark romantics. My favorite author thus far is Edger Alan Poe. His work always seems to have a hidden and dark message within it. This is extremely fascinating to me and enjoyable to read.

Christian Henry said...

The thing I liked about the dark romantics was its ability to creep you out and scare you into reading more into the story. The light romantics were good, but dark romantics take the cake. Where is Here, Fall of the House of Usher, Tom Walker, they all have something I think many readers can enjoy. Plus, if you’re telling a ghost story, those ones are perfect.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I enjoyed reading the light romantics because they were more up beat and happy compared to the dark romantics which compared very thing to death. I don't want to live my life worrying about death. i just want to live it to the fullest.
Kevin Ross

Nick Feurer said...

I did like the dark romantics better than the light romantics because I found it more interesting. the dark romantics play with the mind. my favorite writer is Edgar Allen Poe.

KarlGreen said...

I actually liked the light romantics better beacause to me they were easier to read and i could comprehend what the stories were trying to get across. I agree with celestina it really does make you feel better when you read something inspiring.

bmore10123 said...

I deffinitly enjoyed reading the light romantics better than the dark romantics because i always like to look on the bright side of life. They were more comforting and therefore more enjoyable to read. The dark romantics were to depressing for me.