Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blogging Post #27

After reading "To Build a Fire" what were some of your reactions? What would you have done differently? Did you enjoy reading this story? Explain?


Unknown said...

After reading "To Build a Fire" I thought that the man was stupid and nieve because he should have stopped taking off his gloves so his hands wouldn't get frozen and he should have been more aware of what he was doing and to take care of his matches to build more fires and keep warm. He shouldv'e stayed at the first fire and get fully warm before walking again. I really like the story though.

Jesse Gregory said...

After reading this story I thought the man was not as prepared as he thpught he might have thought he was. He was not expecting it to be as cold as it was. He had to keep taking his mittens off which only made his hands worse than they were.

AnthonyViennas said...

After I read "To Build a Fire", I think that the man in the story was not well prepared for his journey. He should have packed more supplies and made check points for himself, to keep a steady pace, rather than waste matches for a fire that you are only staying at for a few moments. Other than the mans stupidity, I enjoyed the story

Anonymous said...

While reading the story, I realized that the man was stupid and did not know one thing about winter. If you go out even in -50 degree weather, you would think he would dress a little warmer than he did. I would have been more catious of my actions. While crossing the river, I would crawl like the dog did to equal out my weight across the ice so I wouldn't fall through. I did enjoy reading the story though, it was good.

Ritchie Pevo said...

After reading "To Build a Fire," I found myself extremely frustrated at how naive the main character was. He made extremely stupid decisions throughout the entire story, and he refused to pay attention to his dangerous surroundings. Although the story was quite interesting and enjoyable to read, I found myself getting angry at what was occurring and, eventually, at the overall conclusion of the story. If I was in the mans position, I would have dressed warmer and come more prepared. I also would have payed much better attention to my surroundings and most definitely would not have built my second fire under a tree full of snow.

rrobinson10 said...

After reading this story I thought that it wasn't very good. The man did a lot of stupid things that lead to his down fall in the end. Some of these mistakes were when he kept taking his gloves off and when he lit the whole thing of matches. The story to me was very boring, and so was the movie.

Michael Domenici said...

I think that the whole story was about the guy not being perpared becuase if he wasnt he would have made it to his freinds and there would be no plot in the story.

ajox10 said...

After reading To Build a Fire i tought that the man should have came more prepared. Plus he kept taking off his gloves whitch didnt help. The first fire that he built i think he left way to quick he should have stayed langer and got like fully worm and they moved on. Last is that he should have taken care of the matches better. This stuff did keep the story interesting to me so overall i liked the story.

Dougaree said...

After i read this story i think the man shouldn't have been so dumb to travel by himself. I would definately have not traveled by myself and maybe would have been alittle more prepared for the weather. I thought this story was was ok but i didnt quite understand it.

Gangler Bangler said...

I was disappointed in the man in "To Build a Fire." He had a very big ego. So much so that he wouldn't even bring someone with him. I would have brought someone with me and I also would have brought a waterproof pack with extra gloves, socks, boots, and a hat because if the stuff got wet I would just change it.

Andrew Hynes said...

After reading "To Build a Fire" I was in shock. I did not know someone could be so stupid to travel out in the blisteing cold without more supplies or other people. I would have traveled in a bigger group and brought much more supplies in order to surive such harsh conditions.

Troy Brodie said...

After reading this story I thought that the guy wasn't prepared at all. What would I have done differently? I wouldn't have went out in those conditions at all int he first place. I did think the story was entertaining and I was hoping he was going to make it.

jeff247 said...

My reaction to this story was shock. I did not expect the man to die at the end, and the dog to live. In all honesty, I am not sure what I would do in this situation. I find such a situation like this to be a very frightening one. Overall, I did enjoy reading this story though.

xWBR IIIx said...

To bulid a fire was probably the best story in my opinion that we have read this year. I like that it actually had reality in it. It showed how you really cant survive without the thing we need. it wasnt like the cheesey stories we read earlier in the year were the main character lives a happy life at the end, it was real.
William Reid

coreykieff said...

After I read "To Build a Fire", I felt as if I'll never complain about being cold anymore due to the excrutiating cold pain the man felt during the story. I enjoyed reading this story, and I would of taken the advice of the old man to take a partner with you in such low temperatures.

KarlGreen said...

after reading "To Build A Fire" I thought it was very interesting but not in a smart way in how the man acted. I thought the man should have just stayed at the first fire and warm his body up enough to finally be able to function better also if he were to have used the dog as food he definitely would have made it further even thought his dog was his aquantince and tester.

Bennett Wolfe said...

I liked the story but London kind of OD ed on all of the details. And I don’t know why he went alone. I would have given the man a name. the man should have gotten completely warm before he kept going on his journey.

FrankGoodwin said...

I would have prepared for this journey alot better than he did. I would have brought more supllies and food and better fire starting materials. I dont think he planned that well and thats how I feel he died.