Monday, March 16, 2009

To build a fire was an easy ready, at least I thought. They way the author told the story helped me to understand better whaty was going on between the man and his dog. I do not think it was smart on this mans behalf to go take and adventure in the yukon in -53 degree cold weather. Especially with the small amount of clothes that he took. The book was very gopod in telling what happened in a life like experience. if i was the man in the arctic I probably would have worn more clothes, or just would have been prepared a little more for what was ahead of me.


Unknown said...

If I were that man in the artic I would not survive because first I would freeze to death and I would be too cold to start a fire by myself. That man had a lot of bravery.

Troy Brodie said...

I agree that it was an easy read. The guy wasn't smart to go out into freezing weather in the first place. He left his pride get in the way and that's what led to his death.

Christian Henry said...

If I were the man, i would have searioucly considered bulcking up with coats and sweaters. Thats what i do when I ski and the cold barely becomes a factor.

Ritchie Pevo said...

I also agree that the story was a fairly easy read. I would have came much more prepared, too. I do not believe that the man in the story was very smart at all, and I even found myself annoyed with his stupidity throughout the story.

Andrew Broedel said...

If that was me, I wouldn't be in Alaska in the first place. Its way to cold for me. My lack of body fat, or my lack of body all together, would have killed me up there. Personally i think that guy was an idiot for underestimating the harshness of the alaskian wilderness. If you walk away with anything from this story, its to stay calm. Being calm in a stressful situation will keep you alive. If your stupid enough to go out alone into -53 degree weather then we hope you didn't pee in the gene pool.

Andrew Lewis said...

I thought it was also a very easy read, and also an enjoyable story to read. I think that the man's ego got in the way of common sense. He should not have gone out there to begin with because it is really easy to die in weather conditions like that.

Willis410 said...

I definitely agree with you, the book was easy to read. The only thing i would of done differently than the man was not to be in the artic in the first place. I think that was really dumb to go out there by himself.

viktor said...

In the book to build a fire was very easy to read because it was basically a story about a man that ventures into the wild not thinking of how harsh the conditions are out there in the Yukon of Canada. There is no symbolization in it so you don't have to think about what you just read and read it again, like some of the other poem we read and how you have to think about what they are saying exactly. But the way Jack London wrote this story just like all of his other ones is about thing that can really happen and how it is an ongoing struggle against nature vs. man.

KarlGreen said...

I also agree that it was an easy read. It was very interesting and easy to get a hold of attentions wise. But the man had himself way in over his waist of what he expected. He didn't listen to what he had been warned of completely he tried to do things his way.

10Jbrown said...

I also thought it was an easy read. It made more sense then many stories had have been and was more adventures. Adventures stories are always fun.This story was also suspenseful which always keeps you on the edge of your seat. It makes you think, why wouldn't you be prepared when you are going to be in the freezing cold snow in Alaska. I loved the man v.s. nature conflict in the story. This made the story more interesting.

FrankGoodwin said...

I hate the cold and would never go to that extreme to risk losin geverything for a big chance of getting nothing