Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As finals approach us, what classes do you feel you should studdy for more then others?


Anonymous said...

For Finals I have to study for Math, Religion, Anantomy, and English the most because they have the most work in them and I have more to learn.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

Yes, finals are very important to your grade, I don’t like the concept of the finial but in some classes I’m relying on doing well to the final so that I don’t have to go to summer school. I don’t believe that a final can be studied for in just a matter of a few hours, it takes days and week to prepare for a final since it covers the material that we have covered in a class in an entire year.
Kevin Ross

Boss Blog said...

The one class I will need to study for the most is my Genetics final because it's a Mr. McDivitt test and it's a final also so that means it's already going to be difficult as it is. But the other thing is tv test is based off of terms and concepts that I will have tomemorize in order to do well.

Steven Arnold Pd.5

Unknown said...

I need to study for all of them, but the classes that i need to study the most would have to be algebra and U.S. history. Algebra, because it's not on a scantron if we need to show all work so that will be tough. U.S. history, because we covered so much this year.

10Jbrown said...

I think i will definitely need to study for English, History, and Religion the most since they require the most material to study. For English i am going to have to reread some short story's and go over some of the earlier tests.

Andrew Broedel said...

The one final that i need to study for is Honors U.S. Since i didnt learn much of anything i need to go back and learn it all in a few days.

JP Kuhlman said...

As finals get closer and closer I am trying to find time to study. However I am having trouble finding time, I am absolutely stuffed with work. Hopefully I will be able to get some time to study for Honors Anatomy and English.

jeff247 said...

I think I have to study for my chemistry and algebra class the most because they are the hardest and most confusing of all my classes.

fgoodwin012 said...

I feel i should study for all of them. But like some of us I am extremely lazy which isnt to good. So in turn i never study. Even doing this I always seem to do pretty good on them.

Zack Jewby said...

The two classes that I feel like I should study the most for is english and religion. They both just have alot of information to remember. Finals are one of the most important part of your final grade. They make me very nervous when it gets to that time of the year. But I also get excited becasue it means that summer is just around the corner.

Nick Feurer said...

The more important classes to study are the main classes like English, Math, History, and Science. The other classes are not as hard and do not need as much studying time.

10jenglehart said...

Well, what can i say about the finals. I am glad I only have to take four this year. I have to take Math, English, Anatomy, and History. I think that the English Final is the one that I have to study for the most. I say this because we covered the most information.

Willis410 said...

I will probrably have to study for my anatomy class the most because that class is the most difficult one for me. There is so much information to remember in that class that will probrably be the hardest exam.

Unknown said...

I need to study for my Fin Lit class because I am failing that class and I don't want to fail.

coreykieff said...

I feel that my Math class is the number one subject that I should work hard for during these last few days. Math has always been my weak subject in high school, and I would like to get on the honor roll this quarter by getting a B.

seansutton said...

Right now I feel I should study for my religion and English exams the most. I feel this way because they are the only two classes I am borderline grade wise both between a B and a C.

Andrew Lewis said...

Well this year I had a really hard time with Algebra 2. This class was really hard, but I managed somehow to get a C. This final exam could bring my grade to a B or a D so I am really going to prepare.

Troy Brodie said...

For finals I have to study history and English the most. Hopefully I'll be able to pull off a solid grade on both so my final grade is a strong 'B'.

tydecrispino said...

Coming up on the finals, my hardest final will probably be in this class and my Algebra 2 final. The most amount of studying will be for my religion final and this American Lit. final, due to all of the names, terms, and short answers. My Algebra 2 final does not need as much studying because it is a matter of either you know the subject or not.

xWBR IIIx said...

I feel that i should study for the two classes im not doing to good in. One being english and the other being religion. They just happen to be my hardest classes. But since i've been studying i think i should do fairly well.

Joe Winter said...

My classes this year are all basically balanced with the weighing of which final should be prepared for more, but I would definately have to study for my religion exam more than any other classes combined.

bmore10123 said...

The final that I will need to study for the most is U.S. history with Mr. Beck but i will not. What i will study for is physics, a little religion, and math if i feel like it. I hope that I can get at least a B on all of my finals. This would be a greta start to my summer.

viktor said...

Well for my finals this year I think my most important one would be my English one because I am border line in that class. So it would be good if I could get a good grade on my final so it bumps up my grade in the class. But my other class should be pretty easy because I just have to look back at my old test and quizzes I took earlier in the year. Also I am exempt from my Spanish one which helps me out of not getting so stressed out about these exams.

viktor said...
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rrobinson10 said...

I think that my math final will be the hardest because of the teacher I have. I also have to study for my history exam because it is going to be a lot of questions on it. However, I think that english will be my hardest exam.

kfrance said...

I have to agree with Richie. Our teacher is not the best of them all. He certainly has good intentions and a good heart but, it is difficult to learn under him considering that fact that none of the things he says or do makes anysense nor does it ever apply to our needs in the class. So basically, how can we take an exam on material none of us fully understood?

KarlGreen said...

I definantly have to study very hard for english. This is because I need to get a good grade on the final. Also i need to do good on my U.S. hostory exam because i would like to get a B+ in that class.