Monday, May 18, 2009

Blog #36

After reading a decent amount of Their Eyes Were Watching God, along with seeing parts of the movie, do you wish you hadn't seen how others imagined the characters so you can keep your own images in your mind, or are you glad you got to see this? Also, do you think that the film version gives justice to the book version? Please explain.


Jesse Gregory said...

I think that it is alright that I have my own images of the characters than how the movie portrays it. I think the film does an ok job of portraying the book with all the events that happened. It adds in a few things but thats what happens in a lot of movies

Michael Domenici said...

I think that the movie did a good job of explaining the characters and thier characteristics. Like all movies it adds and takes out stuff from the book but i think it stays close enough to it.

ajox10 said...

I would have to say i am glad i get to see the movie along with readint the book it gets an image in my head better and makes it eassier to read. I would say it gives justice because the book is so much a like the book just how i would picture it.

Unknown said...

Im glad we saw some of the movie becaus ei couldn't picture any of the characters and the movie really helped me picture out what the book is trying to explain. Halle Berry really fits the part well.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I think watching the movie in class helped me to comprehend what is going on in the story; I tend to understand things better when I can see pictures of them. I like watching the movie not only because it is an easy class but because it helps me put the images I have created from my reading to those that the movie director thought. I hope that we can continue to watch the movie in class.
Kevin Ross

Sonic teh Hedgeblog said...

I like that we are watching the movie as we read the book because it helped with some of the quizzes we have taken so far. However, I thought that The Great Gatsby movies were alot better than the one we are watching right now.

msj10SCelestina said...

I liked how we saw the beginning of the book on video. It was a little hard at first to picture the characters, but after seeing the movie I have very clear images of them

Michael Leviski said...

I liked watching the movie because it gives me a better picture of how the character might act normally. I enjoy having my own visions of characters, but I seem to remember things better if I physically see something. I do think that the film version gives justice to the book, but as films normally do, they add and take out some portions of the book that they might think are boring.

Ritchie Pevo said...

After seeing parts of the movie, it somehow made it easier for me to continue reading the story. For some reason, after seeing the characters of the story portrayed on film, it makes it much easier for me to imagine them in my mind while reading the book. I have always been like this. I do believe that the film version gives justice to the book version, also. I was surprised to find that I am enjoying the movie and the cast was well-picked to fit the characters explained in the story. Also, most of the important parts in the book were portrayed well in the movie.

Christian Henry said...

No. When you see the movie you get a sense of how the characters and the backround should look. The only thing that through me was the fact that Janie was not as hippy as I would have liked her to be in the movie. Haley Barey just isn't the right person to play that part.

ElliottHyde said...

The movie version of TEWWG is deffinatly differant than what I have personally imagined each caracter looking like. I especally pictured Logan looking completly differant than what the movie depicts him looking like.

michaelrovnan said...

Truly I don’t care between reading a book and watching a movie for I show me the director’s opinion on how the story should be presented or what is actually possible for them to make it in the budget and time.

willK said...

After reading "Their Eyes Were Watching God", i feel like the movie does give you a better understanding as to whats happening in the book. You can read and try to get a clear image as to whats happening, but I think once you read then watch the movie its completely different. The movie cleans up whatever is left, it gives you a understanding about what the characters look like, how they live, the setting, etc. Watching the movie can really help you understand the book.

Boss Blog said...

Seeing the movie version has reinforced the image of the characters in my mind. When they talk in the book I get a sense of I know them because I've seen them in the movie. And so far the movie is really close to the book and I think is very well done.

Steven Arnold Pd.4

Bennett Wolfe said...

Books are hard for me to read because it takes me forever to read it. im glad that we watched the movie becasue i got a clear image of what was going on in the story. i thought that the movie did a good job in telling the story.

kfrance said...

Actually when I watched the movie for myself before Mr. Dutrow showed it to us, I believed it was well done. Although, he was right in saying that the movie left out some key events as well as characters. And yes I did watch the premiere on Lifetime.