Monday, May 18, 2009

blog post 37

After writing my opening paragraph for my research paper I am happy with my author. After writing yours are you happy with whom you choose? If you could choose over would you stay with the same author?


Jesse Gregory said...

I liike my author, I think I will be able to bring about some great information about him. I hope to get this project done soon though.

Michael Domenici said...

I think that i would stay with my author i have right now becuase i've gathered alot of information.

ajox10 said...

As an overall i am happy with the author i choose and i would have to say i would not change because i have good facts about him and i am going to be able to talk about him very well

Unknown said...

Im not happy with my first paragraph because I don't think I did so well on it. I like my author, but hes very hard to write about. If i could have chosen over another author over mine I would have chosen Mark Twain because he is so easy to write about and there are so many topics to write about for him.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I’m glad that I chose to do my research paper on Emily Dickinson, I have found a lot of valuable information about her and I believe that I will enjoy writing this paper.
Kevin Ross

Sonic teh Hedgeblog said...

I do really enjoy the autohor and topic I picked to write on. However, I wish we could have picked any author/poet to do this research on. I think that it would have made this go by a lot faster than what it has.

msj10SCelestina said...

I am happy with my author. Mark Twain has many ends to him I would like to find. He has always interested me.

Michael Leviski said...

I am happy with the author that I picked for my research paper. It seems like there is a lot of information about him, and that much of it pertains to my thesis statement. Maybe if I had looked into it a little more, I would have picked a different author, but I am satisfied with what I have.

Dougaree said...

i like the author for my project. if i could go back and change something i think i may have chosen a different literary work by the author because the one i have now is very hard to attain information about.

Ritchie Pevo said...

After writing my opening paragraph for my research paper, I am very happy with the author that I chose. I love most of his work and found some great information that is related to my thesis. If I could choose over, I would probably still choose the same author.

Christian Henry said...

I am happy with Robert Frost. This person was one of my grandmothers favorite poets and I wanted to learn more about him as a person and now I have the chance to do it into detail.

michaelrovnan said...

I wouldn’t change my author for my research paper because I really don’t care what author I did but I thought what authors do we have many stories in our books and which one well known enough to have many people do papers on them.

Unknown said...

I wound;t change my author. I like who i chose. There is a lot of information about him that i can get and use for my paper. It's going to be tough, but I'll manage and pull through it.

10Jbrown said...

I am happy on who i choose. I choose Mark twain and to sum it up, I am going to be writing about his stories connection to his own Mississippi River living lifestyle. I like Mark Twain as an author a lot. I found my opening paragraph very easy to write, which gives me hope that my whole essay will be easy to write.

bmore10123 said...

I think that i would stay with the author i have righ now because he is so well known that information about him is easily found.Also, he seems like an interesting person