Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Late Work

Mr. Dutrow is one of the few teacher's who accept late work. Are you one to cram in all the assignments the night before the end of the quarter? Or do you complete them as they are assigned?


Anonymous said...

I like to complete the assignments when they are do; so I dont have to worry about craming them in the day before the quater ends.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I try my best not to cram all of my work till the end of a quarter, but I tend to get overwhelmed with my work and fall behind. Thank goodness that Mr. Dutrow allows his students to turn in late work up till the day that the quarter ends, without this I know that I would have to take summer school for English and I’m hoping that I do good enough this week and on my exams so that I don’t have to attend summer school.
Kevin Ross

Boss Blog said...

Like many others I am one of those people that on Friday that will set a 2 inch thick pile of papers on Mr. Dutrow's desk in an attempt to try and get half credit on the assignments we neglected to do over the quarter. I'm thank that of this late work policy that Mr. Cegelski also employs because it saved my grade in both classes.

Steven Arnold Pd.5

Unknown said...

Well it really depends on what the assignment is. If it's like homework, classwork or something like that, I'll do it the day of and get it over with. But, as far as studying for a test and projects, i normally cram the night before. It may be a bad thing to do but it works for me.

ajox10 said...

This answer depends on the assignment most of the time i will do the work as it comes. I am a big procrastinator but when it comes to home work i am right on it. And i like to have my stuff out of the way because i survive on home work.

rrobinson10 said...

I think that every techer should do this because students tend to get behind on their work because they get so much at a time. You might have to do 4 papers in on night, and then you still have to add on your math homework, and religion homework. Without this i would have failed the last two quarters. I am very gratful for this.

Andrew Broedel said...

I do most of my work when its due. Some things i turn in late, and some things i dont turn in at all. Its easier to just do it when its assigned so that you dont get behind.

JP Kuhlman said...

It certainly is a wonderful thing that Mr. Dutrow accepts late work. If he didn’t then I’d never have a weekend. I always have missing work. I tend to get it all in though by the end of the quarter.

Bennett Wolfe said...

I would prefer to do the work on time but i get distracted easily and i tended not to do the page responces. so usualy i have to do hella make up work at the end of the quarter. i think if i wasnt able to turn in make up work i would have failed.

jeff247 said...

I believe I am somewhere in between. I still do have assignments to turn in though. I really appreciate how he accepts late assignments at any time during the quarter.

fgoodwin012 said...

I try my best to get my assignments on time. although I do turn in late work I want the full points for my work. But I do greatly apreciate Mr. Dutrow for accepting our work and giving us some credit.

Zack Jewby said...

Mr. Dutrow is a great man for excepting late work becasue if he did not I would be failing with a twenty percent. By him excepting my late work it always lets me catch up at the end of the quarter and get up to passing so I do not fail.I always try to get all of my assignments in on time but it rarely happens the way I want it to. The whole year I have always had to cram all of my missing assignments in at the last minute so that I can get them into Mr. Dutrow so I can get a grade for them. Mr. Dutrow I thank you for being such a BEAST the whole year.

Sonic teh Hedgeblog said...

I start off doing my work every quarter but it seems to just fade away and I don't feel like doing the assignments. Tomorrow I will either have e-mailed or turned in a huge portion of the work that was due. I feel that this policy help[s me in the end of the quarter because I can turn in as much as possible to bring my grade up as much as it can possibly go.

Nick Feurer said...

In the first quarter I did my homework on time everyday and ended up with an A that quarter. For the rest of the quarters, I got lazy and did not do my homework on time and ended up with a worse grade. This last quarter I have turned in all of my homework assignments late.

Unknown said...

I one of those cramers because I am lazy, but sometimes I will do my work on time. I need to do better.

10Jbrown said...

I mostly hand in work on time. I need the full points and not late credit points. I don't do so good on tests, so homework helps me the most. Last quarter though i did get lazy and slacked off. I handed all my assignments but majority of them were late, which greatly effected the outcome of the grade for that quarter. this quarter i have stepped it up and I only have one late assignment which i am handing in tomorrow.

coreykieff said...

I am one who does the assignments on time because you receive full credit, and if you wait, the assignments will load up on you. Waiting to the last second will allow to get it done, but can be rather rigorous and tiresome.

seansutton said...

Throughout the ear I have been very consistent about doing my assignments on time. The first three quarters I would occasionally miss assignments but turn them in soon after. However the last quarter I completed all my assignments and handed them in on time resulting in a better grade.

Andrew Hynes said...

I tend to get overloaded with homework and try to get it all done in one night but sometimes it does not happen the way it should. Computer homework I find to be the hardest becuause you have to type it and all your electronics need to be in working condition. Sometimes that does not work out so knowing that you will have those extra days to complete the assigement is nice.

Andrew Lewis said...

I tend to do all of my homework. Zeros kill your grade, and playing a sport I can not have my grade dropping dramatically. I have no make up work or missing work, so I am set.

Troy Brodie said...

I try my best to complete the assignments when they are assigned, but when I'm getting constant assignments from teachers who don't take late work in addition to Mr. Dutrow's (almost) daily full page responses, I started slacking on his work a lot. They'll be end by the end of the quarter though.

tydecrispino said...

I never cram assignmments in usually. The only assignments I tend to cram in are projects, and blogs. I usually have all my homeworks completed on time, because I feel like if I don't, I won't know the subject enough to do good on the next test or quiz.

xWBR IIIx said...

I would probably call myself one of the biggest procrastinators out there. I have twelve assignments that i have to turn in tommorow and did all of them 5/20/09. This is one of the lessons i have learned. Because next year i might not have an english teacher that would let me turn in late work.

jamie said...

This time last year i would have to say that I procrastinated and let work go until the very end. This year I have matured, and changed my ways. I've realized that homework causes allot less stress if you just do it. This maturity has definitely been reflected in my grade.

Joe Winter said...

It is half and half with this class. I sometimes hand in stuff in time, but other than that, I will turn it in about a week late or at the end of the quarter. But for the most part, I am a cram kind of guy.

Bobblogs said...

I do my work most of the time and i end up doing a lot of it at the end of the quarter. Its worth getting some credit but its never as good as just getting it in on time.

kfrance said...

There is a saying that states, "never look a gift horse in the mouth". And since I know I am ususally the idiot that loves to say a funny before seriouness, all I can say Mr. Dutrow is thankyou. I usually just cram everything in the night before.

Gangler Bangler said...

I do most of my assignments, but if I forget to turn something in, I try to get it done with little time to spare.

KarlGreen said...

I am kind of both of these i do tend to procrastinate. I also when I can i do hand them in on time. It can be very hard balancing all kinds of homework and when you fall behind it gets even harder. I did try to get everything I could in on time.