Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blogging Project Post #12

If you were Frederick Douglass, and seeing how he only gets the bare minimum to get himself through the months and all seasons, during the early chapters of the book, do you think you would be able to endure what he did?


Bennett Wolfe said...

I do not think I would be able to go one year with just that little amount of clothes. Through my various activities my clothes would eventually just fall of my body and shreds. In that time however you would have to make due of what you had and not complain because eif you did you would probably be beaten.

Joe Winter said...

I would not be able to keep my sanity, because of all the beatings, the horrible living conditions, or the lousy amount of rations that would be given to me. The strict camps that were run to keep slaves were deplorable at best.

msj10SCelestina said...

With all the little things we get today, it would be one of the hardest things to do. They were living on less than the minimum and had to endure the hardships if slavery. These people suffered through one of the hardest time period in the history of America.

Jesse Gregory said...

I do not think I could be able to survive what Frederick survived. This is because I couldn't live with the little amount of clothes that were easily exposed to the elements. The poor amount of food would not sustain me. Not to mention the harsh whippings that came with slavery.

Willis410 said...

I would not be able to go with that little amount. Mostly likely I would be depressed and I wouldn't really have strong will to live. If anything I would do my best to run away or die trying, which im pretty sure most slaves did. I could not handle that at all.

eric_matthews said...

I wouldn't be able to take it. I would go crazy. If I were a slave, they would probably have to whip me everyday, because I would either try to escape, or fight back. I truly respect all slaves for taking the whippings and beatings.

Ritchie Pevo said...

After reading what Frederick was forced to go through during the early chapters of the book, I came to the conclusion that I would probably not be able to endure what he did. The physical and mental agony that Frederick was forced to go through seems completely unbearable to me. Therefore, I honestly don't believe that I would ever be capable to go through that unbearable agony.

Michael Domenici said...

I don't think i would be able to endure those type of conditions. With minimum food and clothing i wouldn't last very long.

Unknown said...

Frederick douglass is the man, I dont know how he did it, I couldnt go through what he hade to endure. I would probably die of not having enough money and that amou8nt of food. Frederick is a tough man no matter what happens.

Michael Leviski said...

If I were Frederick Douglass, I probably wouldn’t have survived during the time that he was on the plantation. They got only about 2 sets of clothes for the entire year, and all of it was very cheap and thing, so it basically didn’t last long enough for a year. The food was also very bad because they only got a small amount per month and if they ran out then that was that.

ajox10 said...

I think that if that was me i would not have been able to handle one year with just the little amount of clothes that they were given. i wouldn't have been able to handle the beatings that they went through. so i think that if that was me i wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Andrew Hynes said...

Frederick Douglas was a good strong hearted man. He did a lot to better himself and become a great historian. It would be hard for someone to do what he has done. It would take someone with a strong heart and great determination to accomplish what he did.

michaelrovnan said...

I don’t think I would for the bare minimum is a very hard thing to live on and with that few of clothes they would be destroyed in a matter of months. I would survive on the food they gave me but I would probably end up losing a huge amount of wait.

Zack Jewby said...

I do not think i would be able to go on for a year, with that minimum of clothes. I would not know what i would do without a washer and a dryer. I can not take the feelimg of being dirty, i could not take that long with that dirty feeling. So no I do not think i could do it for that long.

willK said...

Douglass faced many hard times during his life. I know i would not be able to survive, by only getting the bare minimum of food. Clothes, yes aren't too big of a deal to survive. Food however, is a main key that you would need. The beatings were harsh, not many people could endure those for the amount of time Douglass did. The conditions in which he lived were awful, infested areas with rodents. It just wasn't clean. Frederick Douglass was a tough guy who was determined to become free.

Bobblogs said...

I dont think i could do what he did. I would never be able to last eating the meals that he did and endure the beatings he got.

jeff247 said...

Under no circumstances, what so ever do I think i could bare what Frederick did. If I were to do so, it would take a lot of inner strength that i have yet to witness.

jamie said...

I think if I were Frederick Douglass I would be able to endure what he was put through because he was put straight into that lifestyle. Since he didn’t know any different he just had to go along with it and in the end he survived it. I think if I was put into that situation next week, having lived the life I have, I would not be able to bear that life and inevitably die. The reason it would be so much harder if I were put into that situation would be because I have been living for fifteen years with plenty of food and I have not been abused. If I was all the sudden thrown into this lifestyle I would not be able to conform to it. The reason Frederick Douglass was able to make it was because he had never relied off of a steady diet, so he could survive off little.

bigprettyKEVIN ROSS said...

I don't think that i would be able to do what Frederick Douglass did because my family is so important to me and who i am.
Kevin Ross

KarlGreen said...

I actually do think i could because i am a wrestler and we can ration and hold ourselves back from trying to gorge ourselves and have a real good will power with food.