Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blog Post

What did you think of the exam?Why?(short, long, easy, hard, etc.) What was the hardest section of the exam? What was the easiest section of the exam?


AnthonyViennas said...

I thought the exam was not as difficult as I thought it would be. The toughest section, that I thought, was the vocabulary. There was a large amount of words to remember, which made it all the more difficult to remember on exam day. The easiest section I thought was the essays. What helped very much was the outlines of information to help structure the essay properly. Overall, I think the difficulty of the exam in all was "moderate".

Zack Jewby said...

I thought the exam was relatively easy, even though I most likely failed it. I thought the hardest part was the essays because I am not the best with writing essays. Overall I thought that the test was going to be longer than it was.

eric matthews10 said...

I thought the exam was OK. Exams aren't meant to be easy, unless the teacher wants it to be, but that never happens unless you go to school in La La land. I think the hardest part, well i should say, the toughest part, was the vocabulary. The easiest was the matching parts. The most boring part, was the beginning, when we had to answer questions like we were taking the PSAT. Though very long, the exam was Ok. I think I did good.

Ritchie Pevo said...

I thought that the exam was relatively easy if you simply studied what you told us to on the study guide and edline. Personally, I thought the essay was the hardest part of the exam, because I never know whether or not I have written enough. On the other hand, I believe the easiest part of the midterm was the quotes because, in my opinion, the majority of them were painfully obvious if you pay attention in class and do the assigned reading.

Michael Domenici said...

I thought the exam was sort of difficult partly becuase I didnt study. I think the SAT stuff and the essay are what killed my grade

Jesse Gregory said...

It was a difficult exam mainly because there was a lot of vocabulary and I wasn't prepared for it. I also thought that the SAT stuff was also a challenge

JP Kuhlman said...

In my opinion I believed that the exam was well balanced. I like the way the essays were done. I thought the test was long but, I was expecting a little bit longer than what was given. I think that the test was well lined out. I hope I did well. It took a while for me to do my essays but I did a good job.

Michael Leviski said...

I thought the exam wasn’t extremely bad. It was a little long, but so were a lot of mine. I thought that it was pretty easy overall, except for the SAT prep questions at the beginning of it. I thought that was the hardest section by far, so I guess I will need to study for the SAT some more before I take it. I actually thought however that the vocabulary section was the easiest but still semi difficult in places. All in all I thought it wasn’t to hard.

ajox10 said...

I thought that the exam was extremely hard and could have been way easier. The hardest parts were the vocabulary parts and the essays. the easiest parts were the matching part but as an overall of the exam it was pretty difficult.

Andrew Broedel said...

I thought that the exam was fairly easy compared to Mr. Beck's history exam of death. The vocabulary section was easy because all of the answers were there for you. The hardest may have been the essay just because it was written.

michaelrovnan said...

The exam was alright except for the sat section of the exam. I believe that the easiest part of the exam was the vocabulary part of the exam for some of the word I already knew and those were elimination then I went through a process of elimination on the rest.

Unknown said...

I thought the exam was hard in the begining because of the S.A.T. questions, but after that it got a little easier becaus ei knew most of the other information. Overall in general the exam was difficult.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was okay, kind of long, but partialy easy. I think the hardest part of the exam was the vocab just becuase how long it was and every word we had to memorize. I think the easiest section was the questions because I knew all of them and it made it alot easier.

ElliottHyde said...

I personally think the exam was a little challanging in some parts, but overall easy. The toughest part for me though was the essay's trying to think of what to write about, what to include etc.

seansutton said...

I did not really think that the exam was difficult. The part I thought would be the hardest was the vocabulary section. But the vocabulary was not really hard because it was broke into groups of five. I did not like writing all of the short answers because after the first few I got tired and started writing very lazily. Overall the exam was not bad and I think I did well on it.

Bennett Wolfe said...

I thought that the exam was not really hard there were some parts that were difficuly but over all the exam was the easyest one i took for the midterm. i would like the smae style test for the final.

10Jbrown said...

I thought the exam had it's easy and had it's difficult parts. I thought it was also preety long. The SAT part and the vocab were the hardest. I wasn't prepared for the SAT part of the test. I thought the essays were preety easy to me.

rrobinson10 said...

I thought that the exam was difficult. The sat stuff was the most difficult thing on the exam. Other than that it was ok.

Troy Brodie said...

I don't think the exam was hard, but usually when I think that I end up doing terrible. The worst part of the exam for me was definitely the essay. I probably could have added more. It was really long, though, so I was drained by the end.

Joe Winter said...

The exam was not that hard, it was just tedious and long. The hardest section of the exam was the "most American" piece of literature was a bit hard because of the fact that a couple of the stories had a good aspect of the "American way", but I could not remember half of my examples I had predetermined.

viktor said...

The exam was not really hard it was just very long I though and when I see a lot of questions on a long test I tend to get over whelmed. So I rush and I never know how much time I will have for the essay at the end. Also I was never good at taking long test or exams, just like the PSAT’s and SAT’s. I do so badly on those because of the length of the test. But what you told us to study for the exam was exactly on the exam so if you studied you did pretty well on it.

Fgoodwin1 said...

I thought the exam was one of the better ones. Not to easy not to hard And we had a good review unlike alot of teachers. My favorite part was matching and my least was the essays.

Bobblogs said...

The exam was a well written exam but the only problem i had was with the large amount of words that we had to remember. Other than that there were not problems and it was pretty easy.

xWBR IIIx said...

i really didnt like that much it wasnt as hard as i thought but i still took me a while to do it. I also think that some of the questions were balony.

jamie said...

I thought the exam was mediocre in difficulty. The hardest Part of the exam to me was memorization. On the exam there were certain sections where you had to memorize things, such as author’s names, to complete them successfully. Also, the vocabulary section was difficult because there were so many words to memorize. I thought the easiest part of the exam was the section that had simple short answer questions. This section was so easy to me because if you read the stories we were assigned to, you didn’t even need to study for it.

KarlGreen said...

I thought the exam was fairly tough because the amount that had to be written. The other parts like the characterization and the matching were the easy parts. The multiple choice was actually pretty hard to me and was probably where i struggled at the most. But overall i thought it was fairly hard.

bmore10123 said...

I thought that the exam wasnt too hard but at the samee time challeging. SAT part was the most ddifficult to me and he rest was pretty easy. I think i got a high b or maybe an a. cant wait for finals. :)

10jenglehart said...

The exam was hard and long. I always say that about my exams because I dont put a lot of studying into them and I really should fix that for the finals and I plan to do. The vocab was easy but everything else was really hard. The essay never seem to fail to be hard so I need to prepare myself for them.