Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blogging Post 28

After reading Richard Cory, one thing I thought about is why he would kill himself, maybe he was going bankrupt, maybe he did something illegal. What do you think his reason was for killing himself?


ajox10 said...

After reading richard cory i think that his reason for killing himself is that somthing was terribly wrong in his life and he had thought about it before. but it mad me question why he would do somthing like that.

msj10SCelestina said...

Richard Cory was a very strange story. I think Richard Cory wanted to get out of the spot light because everyone looked up to his as a hero or someone great. He didn't think he could live up to that expectation.

AnthonyViennas said...

After reading this story, I think he wanted to be "lowered down" in the social life, such as people always looking up to him and noticing what he does, but I also don't think he took other options into consideration, which he ultimately killed himself under pressure.

Unknown said...

I think the reason for killing himself was that he was too rich and he was tired of seeing ecerybody around him just be normal, and so he just wanted to be just like everyone else. Thats why he killed himself.

Troy Brodie said...

Richard Cory probably couldn't handle the attention he was getting from everyone and didn't want to disappoint. He also could have wanted his privacy and was tired of being well known. This story goes to show you that you can still be unhappy even if you have all the material things you want in life.

Christian Henry said...

I think the reason is he was lonely. He have had riches, but it never said he had someone he loved and cared for like a friend.It only says that he looks, walks, and talks like he is amazing, but he doesn't say how he feels.

Ritchie Pevo said...

After reading the story, I thought that, although it is obviously unknown, there were a few possible reasons why he chose to end his life. First of all, perhaps people expected too much from him. Maybe he was unable to live up to the great expectations of others. Also, it all comes down to the fact that money doesn't buy happiness. This poem is attempting to convey that fact. Although, from the outside, Richard Cory is seen as this perfect man, on the inside, he is clearly depressed and unhappy with his life.

rrobinson10 said...

I think that he killed himself because he wasn't happy. He might had been rich and had everything, but money can't buy you happiness.

Willis410 said...

I think that Richard Cory was very miserably and could no longer stand living the way he does. He was depressed and the only thing going through his mind was ending his life.

coreykieff said...

In the story "Richard Cory", I thought that he killed himself because of some secret thing in his life that was building up inside that nobody noticed. It could have been a broken relationship or even that he was rich and had everything but didn't feel happy at all.

KarlGreen said...

I thought that Richard Cory was kind of a weird story. He had a lot of pressure put on him and to me thats what seemed to have made him kill himself. He just didn't think he had it in himself no self reliance at all.

Bennett Wolfe said...

Richard Cory was kind of a weird story to me. He seemed to have a lot of problems and pressure to deal with. This is probably what drove his to kill himself.

FrankGoodwin said...

I think he killed himself because there was to much presure on him. He folded under it and subsequently killed himself.